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Exploring the entanglements between the church and state to bring Christians back to No King but Christ. Episodes about Philosophy, Anarchism, Politics, Economics, and interviewing interesting guests.
Featured Episode
Kerry Baldwin returns to the show, and we will do a deeper dive into her work into explaining the pro-life position from Christian and libertarian philosophical principles, as well as Christian and libertarian views on justice and unpacking these complex legal and moral topics.
Daniel 3 Ep. 41 – Personal Updates, Thoughts on the Jab Regime
After a hiatus I will be back tonight for an update on things going on at home and with my family, and how that's affected my opinions on the Cove/Jab Regime and our society in generalSupport this podcast at —...
Daniel 3 Ep. 40 w/ Joe Hartman – Praxeology and Jordan Peterson
On this episode Joe Hartman returns to do our now third episode doing a deep dive on praxeology and Austrian economics - this time to discuss Jordan Peterson's 12 rules for life and their connection to Misesian libertarianism in the wake of Jordan Peterson's...
Daniel 3 Ep. 39 – Appearance on The Porcupine w/ Adam Nutter
This podcast is a conversation with my good friend Adam Nutter. We talked about my journey from the left to libertarianism and the problems that exist today on the left and the right. I also go into where I diverge from many Christian conservatives and what I think...
Daniel 3 Ep. 38 w/ Pete “Beyond the Wall” Quiñones
On this Episode I had a conversation with Pete Quiñones about Christian Anarchism, Praxianism, immigration policy, leftism, and what our strategies should be at the local level.Support this podcast at —...
Daniel 3 Ep 37 – Libertarian Philosophy and Ron Paul’s Legacy
This episode is from the vault , back in July I hosted an episode of Take Human Action PA. We talked about libertarian philosophy and what the fundamentals of it are, and then we talked about the legacy and impact of Ron Paul. Subscribe to the Take Human Action...
Daniel 3 Ep. 36 w/ Gregory Baus on Sphere Sovereignty – A Biblical View of Authority
This episode I had on Gregory Baus, researcher and writer in Christian philosophy, writer and contributor for the Libertarian Christian Institute and of his own channel Reformational. We discussed the Neo-Calvinist concept of "Sphere Sovereignty" more in depth, and...
Daniel 3 Ep. 35 -Why Not Both? Agorism and the LP : Counter-Economics AND Counter-Politics
In this episode I give my thoughts on the various strategies that are often debated upon within the liberty movement as to the best path forward for individuals and collectively to create more liberty in society. Agorism and Political activism are supposed to be...
Daniel 3 Ep. 34 – James “Blackbird” Jenneman Returns – Faith, Reason and Institutions
James Jenneman of Blackbird returns, and we are going to do a deep dive into the tensions between faith and reason, and hierarchies and institutions. Can we reconcile these tensions without abandoning reason and our personal intellectual integrity? Can institutions...
Appearance on Catholic Libertarian – Explaining the Mises Caucus
I recently was on Caleb's show for his series "Explain it to me Like I'm Five" to talk about the Mises Caucus. This is our conversation explaining what the caucus is, why I'm involved and why I think it's better than other stategies.Here's...
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