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Exploring the entanglements between the church and state to bring Christians back to No King but Christ. Episodes about Philosophy, Anarchism, Politics, Economics, and interviewing interesting guests.
Featured Episode
Kerry Baldwin returns to the show, and we will do a deeper dive into her work into explaining the pro-life position from Christian and libertarian philosophical principles, as well as Christian and libertarian views on justice and unpacking these complex legal and moral topics.
Daniel 3 Ep 93 – The End of A Journey, and the Start of Something New
In this episode of Daniel 3, I announce the end of the Daniel 3 Podcast and the new projects I will be doing as God closes one door and opens 2 more. Thank you all for listening, please follow me @BiblicalAnarchy on twitter and follow me in the new endeavors I will be...
Daniel 3 Ep 91 – Culture Wars, Christianity and Identity with Torren Danowski
Tonight at 10 I am going live with my friend Torren to discuss some of his journey over the last year and how those experiences and studies have shaped his views on the culture, gender identity, and how we navigate these spaces as ChristiansSupport this podcast at —...
Daniel 3 Ep 88 – The MC Strategy, What is Love, and Upcoming Events; Monday Night Livestream/AMA
Tonight I will be going live at 9:30 to give some updates/announcements as to some upcoming events, and then I will talk about some current events, the upcoming election and the LP, as well as taking any questions you have.Here is the link for the Libertarian...
Take Human Action PA Ep 26 – Michael Heise on Decentralized Revolution & Call to Human Action
On this Episode of Take Human Action PA, Michael Heise (@MisesChair) joins Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (LPPA) Chair Rob Cowburn and Mises Caucus Organizer Jacob Winograd (@BiblicalAnarchy) to talk Project Decentralized Revolution, Take Human Action Tour, the...
Daniel 3 Ep 90 – Colorado Nightclub And LGBT Rights
On this livestream I discussed my thoughts on LGBT rights from the perspective of a Christian Anarchist, and where I agree and disagree with libertarians on the subject. I also push back against those who blame violence against LGBT people on Christian conservatism or...
Daniel 3 Ep 87 – Saturday Night Live, Channel Updates and AMA
Tonight I am returning to the podcast after a long hiatus, I will be giving some updates as to things going on, some commentary to things going on in the country and world, as well as answering and responding to any questions/comments in the live stream.Support this...
Ep 92: Protestantism and Inerrancy w/The Protestant Libertarian
Tonight at 8:30 PM I will be joined by Alex Bernardo of The Protestant Libertarian Podcast, where we will discuss the topics of Protestantism's legacy and impact on the culture and the State, as well as Biblical Inerrancy and what how our views of the Scriptures...
Daniel 3 Ep 89 – Post LCI 300th Special / Big Announcement
After the 300th episode of the Libertarian Christian Institute airs tonight at 9 ET, I will be streaming live on my channel to talk about the big announcement and what changes are in storeLCI 300th Episode: Podcast Website:...
Daniel 3 Ep 86 – Discussing Disparate Perspectives w/Hodey Johns
Tonight I am joined by Hodey Johns from Enemy of my Enemy (part of We Are Libertarians Network) to discuss the overlap and divergences between our views on Biblical inerrancy, peaceful parenting and parental authority, messaging and more!Support this podcast at —...
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