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Exploring the entanglements between the church and state to bring Christians back to No King but Christ. Episodes about Philosophy, Anarchism, Politics, Economics, and interviewing interesting guests.

Featured Episode

Kerry Baldwin returns to the show, and we will do a deeper dive into her work into explaining the pro-life position from Christian and libertarian philosophical principles, as well as Christian and libertarian views on justice and unpacking these complex legal and moral topics.

Daniel 3 w/ Naturalist Capitalist (Reed Coverdale)

This episode I sat down with Reed Coverdale to discuss our similar paths to the LP and the Mises Caucus, and our diverging paths when it comes to religion and Christianity, and how unity should play out in the liberty movement between the religious and non religious 0...

Mere Liberty – A Christian Libertarian Primer

This episode I interviewed Kerry Baldwin of Mere Liberty, also affiliated with Libertarian Christian Institute. We talked about the new book "Faith Seeking Freedom" that LCI just released, and also dive into how Christians can reconcile libertarianism with being...

Agorism and Homesteading: Living Out Liberty

SHOW LESSWe've all probably heard of Agorism, but what is it exactly? Is it a philosophy? A strategy? What exactly does it entail? In this video we dive into what Agorism is and make the case why anyone who claims to be a libertarian or anarchist should adopt and...

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