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Exploring the entanglements between the church and state to bring Christians back to No King but Christ. Episodes about Philosophy, Anarchism, Politics, Economics, and interviewing interesting guests.
Featured Episode
Kerry Baldwin returns to the show, and we will do a deeper dive into her work into explaining the pro-life position from Christian and libertarian philosophical principles, as well as Christian and libertarian views on justice and unpacking these complex legal and moral topics.
Daniel 3 Ep. 32 – Thoughts on Wrong Speak and Being Offended
This episode is a short monologue of my thoughts on people who are offended by certain words or ideas, and what I think the Bible and Jesus talk to us about regarding these topics. How do we combat bigotry effectively, and how do we engage the culture without...
Daniel 3 Ep. 29 w/ Nick “Individualist” Ashley
I sit down with Nick Ashley of The Individualist Podcast and Tower Power Hour this episode to discuss his take on libertarian philosophy, religion, and his epic misadventures in the liberty Twitter and podcasting arena, and why...
Daniel 3 w/ Hodey “Enemy of My Enemy” Johns
On this episode of Daniel 3 I interviewed Hodey Johns, host of Enemy of My Enemy , part of the We Are Libertarians podcast network, which I occasionally appear on as a guest host. We discussed Christian Anarchism and how we should perceive and influence the culture...
Daniel 3 Ep. 31 w/ John “Fakertarian” Hudak
Tonight my friend Grant will be cohost with me and we will be talking to .... *looks at notes , shuffles papers* um, Hudak of FakertariansI'm firing my booking agent. Well tune in tonight for a demonstration in loving your enemies, as Christ taught us to. We will...
Daniel 3 w/Chirstpilled – Mandates and Mass Non-compliance
This was a livestream with my friend Christpilled from Twitter to discuss current events, Biden's vaccine mandates and No King But Christ being absent from American church culture --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:...
Daniel 3 w/ Stefan “The Great” Molyneux
On this edition of Daniel 3, I interviewed Stefan Molyneux. We discussed the connection between Christianity and liberty, universalism in Ethics, and maintaining healthy dialogues despite disagreements in the age of wokeism and cancel culture. --- Support this...
Daniel 3 Ep. 30 w/ Caryn Ann “Pink Flame” Harlos
I sit down with Caryn Ann Harlos to interview her and discuss how she came to be a libertarian activist, and discussing the Church and the philosophy of Christian Anarchism. I also talk to her about pacifism in the Christian sense, and the misconceptions and nuances...
Appearance on Naturalist Capitalist Podcast w/Reed Coverdale
Reed had me on his show in August to discuss Christian Anarchism, and also to get into how Christians read the Bible and what it takes to consistently stand on Scripture. We also discuss the fights between Atheists and Christians and what both sides should do better...
July Appearance on Break the Cycle w/Joshua Smith
Jacob and Joshua to sit down and talk about Christianity and Liberty, and how they are compatible. We also talk about the LPPA, and the Mises Caucus. --- Support this podcast:
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