Daniel 3 Ep 90 – Colorado Nightclub And LGBT Rights

On this livestream I discussed my thoughts on LGBT rights from the perspective of a Christian Anarchist, and where I agree and disagree with libertarians on the subject. I also push back against those who blame violence against LGBT people on Christian conservatism or...

Daniel 3 Ep 89 – Post LCI 300th Special / Big Announcement

After the 300th episode of the Libertarian Christian Institute airs tonight at 9 ET, I will be streaming live on my channel to talk about the big announcement and what changes are in storeLCI 300th Episode: https://youtu.be/a8sMneQN3yANew Podcast Website:...

Daniel 3 Ep 87 – Saturday Night Live, Channel Updates and AMA

Tonight I am returning to the podcast after a long hiatus, I will be giving some updates as to things going on, some commentary to things going on in the country and world, as well as answering and responding to any questions/comments in the live stream.Support this...
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