Daniel 3 Ep. 31 w/ John “Fakertarian” Hudak

Tonight my friend Grant will be cohost with me and we will be talking to …. *looks at notes , shuffles papers* um, Hudak of FakertariansI'm firing my booking agent. Well tune in tonight for a demonstration in loving your enemies, as Christ taught us to. We...

Daniel 3 Ep. 30 w/ Caryn Ann “Pink Flame” Harlos

I sit down with Caryn Ann Harlos to interview her and discuss how she came to be a libertarian activist, and discussing the Church and the philosophy of Christian Anarchism. I also talk to her about pacifism in the Christian sense, and the misconceptions and nuances...

Daniel 3 Ep. 29 w/ Nick “Individualist” Ashley

I sit down with Nick Ashley of The Individualist Podcast and Tower Power Hour this episode to discuss his take on libertarian philosophy, religion, and his epic misadventures in the liberty Twitter and podcasting arena, and why the institutions of the church and the...
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